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About Our Theater

Our theatre was organized 14 years ago - September 1, 2005.

January 6, 2006- We celebrate our birthday with the First performance of “Snow Queen”!
Since then, every 4-5 months we show our performances to our Chicago Viewers!
Our theater is based on European, Russian Speaking base plus American education extra curriculum bases. We teach children and adults dancing, singing, theatrical movement and speech. We enhance and bring out the best qualities of the children and adults.

What do  classes in our theater give? And  who needs them?
1. If your child is shy...
In a few months he/she will be active, no longer afraid of the public and will learn to own himself/herself.
2. If your child is very active...
from the first lessons you will feel that the child has become more diligent, attentive, responsible, calm.
3. If your child is loosing Russian...
Communication in the classroom is in Russian language ONLY which will help the child to learn the language, plus-vocabulary!
4. If your child is not developed hearing, voice, speech...
Our activities are wonderful to help with vocal, choral singing, stage speech.
5. If your child  can not dance...
Our dance and stage movement lessons will help to relax, teach you how to move with music and dance.
6. If your child loves to sing, dance, play "theatre"!
We will help your child to reveal his/her talent! Who knows, maybe, your child becomes a bright Hollywood star!
Dear friends!
Everything I wrote above is not just a word... Believe my experience with children, and this is almost 45 years!
My program is developed on the basis of higher educational institutions.
All my skills and all my extensive experience I give to small actors! And the kids never let me down. All our performances were above and beyond our audiences expectations.

Our school


Our school employs exceptionally qualified and experienced teachers who are able to become not just coaches, but also become great friends and mentors for your children!!! 


There is a waiting room for you with comfortable furniture and pleasant interior.


In the School of “Lyudmila Schaible Children’s Theater" there are two large halls - theatrical and choreographic. The Theater Hall is equipped with a stage, sound and light equipment. In the Choreographic Hall there are professional dance machines and mirrors in full growth.


The head of the theater - Lyudmila Schaible. 

Certified Specialist. Director. Actress. Opera singer. Teacher.

Worked in Odessa operetta! (Vocal teacher-People's Artist of the USSR-E. M. Dembskaya.)

She worked in Odessa, children's and musical theatre. Director and teacher of acting skills.

In 1989 she created her own children's theatre in Odessa.

In May 1996 the performance of "Crystal Shoe" won all contests and won the first place in Ukraine!

In June 1996, our theatre was recognized as the best children's Theatre in the country!

One of the most famous students-honored artist of Russia-Nona Grishaeva!

In 2005, Chicago created the "Lyudmila Schaible Children's Theater". 

For last 14 years she has produced and directed more than 300 performances.

In 2015 at the Children's Festival in Washington, our theater was recognized as the best children's Russian-language theater in America!


Our team

Artistic Director, Chief Executive Officer - Lyudmila Schaible.

Music Accompanists - Lyudmila Yasinetskaya

Speech Instructor - Oksana Alexeev

Assistants Director - Elena Virtanen, Oksana Alexeev,  

Speech Instructor - Oksana Alexeev

Photo - Naum Roytman.

Costume Designers and Creators - Marina Fedorov, Nelly Kim, Larisa Gorbach

Our School
Our team
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